Author name: Perry

Founder of Perrivan Audio I'm just another hobbyist trying to contribute my 2 cents back to the community. This all started because I enjoy enjoying music and my goal is for people to come to do so too! Feel free to hit me up for a chat or AMA on my Instagram: @raspperry

Audiosense AQ3 Review: Give This a Miss, You Can Do Better

Updated: Jan 19 Pros: Very comfortable shell, Build Quality, Smooth mids (vocals) Cons: Muddy and bloated mid bass, Lifeless treble, Weird tonality, Poor detail and separation Driver Setup: 1 Dynamic Driver + 2 Balanced Armature Drivers Price: $180 (USD) Intro Disclaimer: I borrowed the Audiosense AQ3 from mistereden on Carousell Singapore for review purposes. It

Audiosense AQ3 Review: Give This a Miss, You Can Do Better Read More »